Munson Township

April 2016 Minutes
Munson Planning and Zoning
Board Minutes
April 7, 2016

The bi-monthly board meeting was called to order at 8:00 PM by Vice-Chairman Fred Lemke, with the following members present: John Tschumperlin, Orville Willenbring and Clerk/ Zoning Administrator Lynn Burg. Chairman Mike Behnen & Matt Burg absent.

Minutes were read from the February 4, 2016 meeting. A motion to accept the minutes as read was made by Willenbring, seconded by Tschumperlin. Carried 3-0.

Zoning Administrator Burg informed the Planning and Zoning Board of an rezoning and variance that were coming up and would get the information to the members.

A motion to adjourn was made by Tschumperlin, seconded by Willenbring Carried 4-0

Munson Planning and Zoning
Board Minutes
February 4, 2016

The bi-monthly board meeting was called to order at 8:00 PM by Vice-Chairman Fred Lemke, with the following members present: Matt Burg, John Tschumperlin, Orville Willenbring and Clerk/ Zoning Administrator Lynn Burg. Chairman Mike Behnen absent.

Minutes were read from the December 3, 2015 meeting. A motion to accept the minutes as read was made by Burg, seconded by Willenbring. Carried 4-0.

There was some discussion about Highway 23 on homes being moved and if building rights would say with the landowner, but no conclusion was made.

A motion to adjourn was made by Willenbring, seconded by Burg Carried 4-0

Munson Planning and Zoning
Board Minutes
December 3, 2015

The bi-monthly board meeting was called to order at 8:00 PM by Chairman Orville Willenbring with the following members present: Mike Behnen, Fred Lemke, Matt Burg, John Tschumperlin and Clerk/ Zoning Administrator Lynn Burg. Chairman Orville Willenbring absent.

Minutes were read from the October 1, 2015 meeting. A motion to accept the minutes as read was made by Behnen, seconded by Tschumperin. Carried 4-0.

Behnen will take over for Chairman and a new Vice – Chairman was elected.

Burg made a recommendation for Fred Lemke to be Vice-Chariman, seconded by Tschumperling. Carried 4 -0

There was some discussion on if they should ask the Town Board for a raise for the meetings. With some discussion the board decided not to ask for a raise and leave the amount at what it is at this time.

The board would like to make a recommendation to the Town Board to raise the site visits to $25.00 and would also like all members to go to any site visits.

A motion to adjourn was made by Burg, seconded by Lemke Carried 5-0

October 1, 2015
Munson Planning and Zoning
Board Minutes
October 1, 2015

The bi-monthly board meeting was called to order at 8:00 PM by Vice-Chairman, Mike Behnen, with the following members present: Fred Lemke, Matt Burg, John Tschumperlin and Clerk/ Zoning Administrator Lynn Burg. Chairman Orville Willenbring absent.

Minutes were read from the August 6, 2015 meeting. A motion to accept the minutes as read was made by Lemke, seconded by Burg. Carried 4-0.

Zoning Administrator Lynn Burg reported that Mark Harren was hired as the new building inspector. Burg also discussed that Jerry Haus will finish up on permits that he issued.

A motion to adjourn was made by Burg, seconded by Lemke Carried 4-0

August 2015
Munson Planning and Zoning
Board Minutes
August 6, 2015

The bi-monthly board meeting was called to order at 8:00 PM by Chairman, Orville Willenbring, with the following members present: Fred Lemke, Mike Behnen, John Tschumperlin and Clerk/ Zoning Administrator Lynn Burg. Absent Matt Burg

Minutes were read from the June 4, 2015 meeting. A motion to accept the minutes as read was made by Behnen, seconded by Tschumperlin. Carried 4-0.

The Public hearing was open for Jerry and Melissa Isaacson at 20774 Elmway Road Richmond Parcel 23.13938.0000.

Jerry said that they would mostly use the camper weekends and some weekdays.

Skip Halverson talked about Mr. Isaacson understanding the Township ordinance that a camper can only be on the lot from April 1 thru October 31.

Tschumperlin ask the Isaacson if they planned on buying the property. Jerry informed the board if the variance did past that they would buy the property. Also informed the board that they had a purchase agreement in place.

Dennis Borchardt (owner) informed the Board that he did have a variance on this property for a camper.

Skip Halverson informed the Board members that the camper would be located in the same spot that Dennis Borchardt had his camper.

Willenbring informed the Board that he did not feel that the camper would be in the way of anything.

A motion for the recommendation to accept the variance to the Town board was made by Lemke, seconded by Behnen. Carried 4-0.

Willenbring talked about Chad Buerman having a 2 acre small track. Randy Bueman transferred a building credit from a 91 acre to the 2 acres. This is the reason they did not need to do a public hearing.

Willenbring informed the Board that he talked to Jerry Haus about the minimum building size. Haus informed Willenbring it would be 200 sq. ft. and this would include canvas sheds also.

A motion to adjourn was made by Lemke, seconded by Behnen Carried 4-0

June 2015
Munson Planning and Zoning
Board Minutes
June 4, 2015

The bi-monthly board meeting was called to order at 8:00 PM by Chairman, Orville Willenbring, with the following members present: Fred Lemke, Mike Behnen, John Tschumperlin and Clerk/ Zoning Administrator Lynn Burg. Absent Matt Burg

Minutes were read from the April 5, 2015 meeting. A motion to accept the minutes as read, was made by Behnen, seconded by Lemke. Carried 4-0.

Willenbring introduced the new Planning and Zoning member John Tschumperlin.

There was some discussing on the land and use workshop that some of the board members attended. They thought it was a training that was well worth it.

Behnen asked if the Zoning Administrator Burg could put a list together of the Planning and Zoning members with addresses and phone number.

Willenbring talked about how large a shed need to be to get a permit. Also if it’s a portable shed does the landowner need a permit. Burg will check with Jerry Haus about the portable shed , if they need a permit for anything under 150 sq feet and what type of anchoring system. Burg will bring to next meeting.

A motion to adjourn was made by Lemke, seconded by Behnen Carried 4-0

APRIL 2, 2015
Munson Planning and Zoning
Board Minutes
April 2, 2015

The bi-monthly board meeting was called to order at 8:10 pm due to alarm going off and an officer coming to investigate. Meeting called to order by Chairman, Orville Willenbring, with the following members present: Larry Massmann, Fred Lemke, Matt Burg and Clerk/ Zoning Administrator Lynn Burg.

Minutes were read from the February 5, 2015 meeting. A motion to accept the minutes as read, was made by Burg, seconded by Lemke. Carried 4-0.

Willenbring discussed that he is working with Stearns County for someone to come out and talk about rule and regulations for Shoreline district.

Willenbring talked about Massmann resignation. Willenbring asked for a motion to be made to the Townboard to except Massmann resignation. Burg made motion, second by Lemke. Motion carried.

Zoning Administrator gave paperwork to board meeting on an upcoming variance.

A motion to adjourn was made by Burg , seconded by Massmann Carried 4-0.

Respectfully submitted by,
Lynn Burg, Zoning Ad.

Munson Planning and Zoning Board Minutes 2015
Munson Planning and Zoning
Board Minutes
February 5, 2015

The bi-monthly board meeting was called to order at 8:00 PM by Chairman, Orville Willenbring, with the following members present: Larry Massmann, Fred Lemke, Mike Behnen, Matt Burg and Clerk/ Zoning Administrator Lynn Burg.

Minutes were read from the December 2, 2014 meeting. A motion to accept the minutes as read, was made by Massmann, seconded by Behnen. Carried 5-0.

Willenbring discussed that the Planning and Zoning Board will start doing variances again.
Also talked about having two members of the Planning and Zoning each time go and check out variances and then come back to the Planning and Zoning Board to discuss it.

Burg requested that Lemke and Willenbring check out the variance coming up on February 17. Willenbring also discussed that Behnen should check out the variance with him being Vice-Chair.

Willenbring discussed that he talked to Angie Berg at Stearns County about some Townships not keeping up with minutes and Public hearings. Willenbring asked Zoning Administrator Burg about these issues. Zoning Administrator Burg informed Willenbring that all Public hearing are being done in a timely fashion and if something would come up that we would write a letter to the landowner notifying that we are intention to exercise our right to extend the 60 days to 120 days.

Willenbring asked Zoning Administrator Burg what was the distance that other landowner are notified of a public hearing. Zoning Administrator Burg informed the Planning and Zoning Board that it’s 350 feet.

A motion to adjourn was made by Behnen , seconded by Massmann Carried 5-0.

Minutes from township board meetings are placed on the website once they have been approved, Ex: Minutes from the June board meeting would be placed on the website following their approval at the July meeting.

Planning and Zoning