Munson Township

Munson Township Board of Supervisors
Meeting Minutes
December 18, 2017

The regular monthly meeting of the Munson Township Board of Supervisors was called to order at 8:00 PM on December 18, 2017by Chairman, Dan Holthaus.

Joe Willenbring, Clerk, Boni Behnen, Treasurer Dick Behnen, P&Z Chair, Fred Lemke, P&Z member, Mike Behnen and P &Z Ad., Lynn Burg.

Others Present
Jay Femrite and Kevin Purnell

Butch Gertken. Arrived at 8:40.
A motion to approve the minutes from November 20, 2017 was made by Willenbring, seconded by Holthaus. Carried 2-0.

Treasurer’s Report
Income $ 5,674.63 Expenses $ 12,751.12 Balance $380,175.32 A motion to accept the Treasurer’s report was made by Willenbring, seconded by Holthaus. Carried 2-0.

General Township Issues
Joe Hennen from Hennen Floor Covering in Freeport MN brought floor covering samples for the board to consider, including vinyl and carpet tiles. The board discussed the pro and cons of the different samples. A motion to approve the replacement of the town hall flooring with a glue down vinyl flooring in Ashen Barn Side was made by Willenbring, second by Holthaus. Carried 2-0.
Jay Femrite and Kevin Purnell presented a preliminary plat for Purnrite Estates on Fresno Court. They had purchased the property between their two existing properties together. They have been working with county on the re-plat. A motion to approve and sign the preliminary plat was made by Willenbring, second by Holthaus. Carried 2-0.
Mike Behnen and Orville Willenbring are up for re-appointment to the Planning and Zoning Board. There was some confusion at the last P and Z meeting and the re-appointments were not correct in their minutes. Since their minutes were not approved, changes will be made, and the re-appointments will be confirmed at the town board meeting on January 16, 2018. Lynn will call John Tschumperlin to confirm that he is willing to be Chair for the Planning and Zoning Board in 2018. Matt Burg would be Vice Chair.
Resolution 2017-5 Designating Annual Polling Place for Munson Township to be the Munson Town Hall, 23857 County Road 23, Richmond, in Stearns County as it’s polling place for Township Elections in 2018. All other 2018 elections will be by mail balloting through Stearns County. A motion to sign the resolution was made by Holthaus, second by Willenbring. Carried 2-0. Gertken voted no.
Mark Harren said that there was a building permit fee that was outstanding and wanted to know how to take care of it. Boni will contact the property owner to try to recover the fee before the end of the year.

Reviewed Mail

A motion to pay bills was made by Willenbring, seconded by Gertken. Carried 3-0. Bills were paid in the amount of $ 45,172.38 using check numbers 6172-6199.

At 9:00 PM, a motion to adjourn was made by Willenbring, seconded by Gertken. Carried 3-0.

Minutes submitted by:    Boni Behnen, Clerk 

Munson Township Board of Supervisors
Meeting Minutes
November 20, 2017

The regular monthly meeting of the Munson Township Board of Supervisors was called to order at 8:00 PM on November 20, 2017by Chairman, Dan Holthaus.

Joe Willenbring, Butch Gertken, Clerk, Boni Behnen, Treasurer Dick Behnen, P&Z Chair, Fred Lemke, P&Z member, Mike Behnen and P &Z Ad., Lynn Burg.

Others Present
Steve Frelich. List attached.


A motion to approve the minutes from October 16, 2017 was made by
Willenbring, seconded by Gertken. Carried 3-0.

Treasurer’s Report
Income $150,452.04 Expenses $110,408.33 Balance $387,251.91. A motion to accept the Treasurer’s report was made by Gertken, seconded by Willenbring. Carried 3-0.

Sue/Steve Frelich parcel # 23.13979.0000
The Frelichs were asking for a variance to build a 10 x 24 addition to their home. The variance would be for 56 feet from the center of the existing road and meet the 30-foot setback from the road right-of-way. The planning and zoning board held a public hearing on November 2, 2017. There were no objections. With a 5-0 vote the P and Z Board made a recommendation to the town board to grant the variance. A motion to grant the variance was made by Willenbring, second by Gertken. Carried 3-0. The document was signed by the chair and clerk.
The board discussed changing to a mail ballot precinct for elections in 2018. Butch felt that some of the residents would not like it. He also said that the residents should vote on it at the annual meeting. The statute reads that this is a town board decision. The other two supervisors thought that there would be some opposition at first, but in time, the residents would accept it due to the cost savings for the township A motion was made by Willenbring to change to mail balloting in 2018. Seconded by Holthaus. Carried 2-1 Gertken was opposed. The township elections would still be held at the town hall in March.
Due to weather changes, the West Ashton Road Project was put on hold until the spring of 2018. A motion to sign the Change Order Document with Knife River was made by Willenbring, seconded by Gertken. Carried 3-0. The document was drawn up by Hakanson/Anderson and signed by Knife River.

General Township Issues
The board discussed and reviewed the flooring samples from Cold Spring Carpet. The board would like to consider other options. Boni will call Steve Revermann to ask about other options and samples for the next meeting

Reviewed Mail
Environmental services wanted support from the township to allow for a change in Ordinance #439. The change would allow Limited Rural Manufacturing in Ag 80 and Ag 40 Zoning districts as a Conditional Use Permit. A motion to support the change was made by Willenbring, second by Gertken Carried 3-0. The board would like to see no limitations on the size of the employees.

A motion to pay bills was made by Willenbring, seconded by Gertken. Carried 3-0.
Bills were paid in the amount of $12,751.12 using check numbers 6150-6171.
Boni said that some of the window blinds were not operating properly. The board gave approval to purchase new ones.
Dan Holthaus presented the final plat for the land split on his property.  Joe took over as Vice Chair. A motion to sign the Mylars was made by Gertken, seconded Willenbring. Carried 2-0. Holthaus abstained.
At 9:30 PM, a motion to adjourn was made by Willenbring, seconded by Gertken. Carried 3-0.

 Minutes submitted by:     Boni Behnen, Clerk

Munson Township Board of Supervisors
Meeting Minutes
October 16, 2017

The regular monthly meeting of the Munson Township Board of Supervisors was called to order at 8:00 PM on October 16, 2017by Chairman, Dan Holthaus.

Joe Willenbring, Butch Gertken, Clerk, Boni Behnen, Treasurer Dick Behnen, P&Z Chair, Fred Lemke, and P &Z Ad., Lynn Burg.

Others Present
Dave Walz, Stearns County Elections. List attached.


A motion to approve the minutes from September 18, 2017 was made by
Willenbring, seconded by Gertken. Carried 3-0.
A motion to approve the minutes from the Special Meeting for the West Ashton Road Improvement Project on October 5, 2017, was made by Gertken, seconded by Willenbring. Carried 3-0.

Treasurer’s Report
Income $22,300.12 Expenses $30,415.08 Balance $347,208.20. A motion to accept the Treasurer’s report was made by Gertken, seconded by Willenbring. Carried 3-0.

Open Forum
Dave Walz, county auditor’s office, was present to discuss and answer questions concerning transitioning to a mail ballot precinct. Stearns County offered mail balloting for the first time in 2016. Fifteen townships and cities in Stearns County opted to use mail ballots. It would cost the township a total of $3.50 per registered voter for the county to take care of the elections through mail balloting. Persons in the township are still able to vote in person at the county. Township elections would still be held at the Munson town hall, the supervisors will make a decision at the monthly meeting on November 20th. The township would need to get the approval of the Auditor, adopt the change by resolution, and publish and post the change.

General Township Issues
Holthaus asked Boni to call Knife River and ask what the timeline is for the West Ashton Improvement Project.
The proposal from Hakanson/Anderson for the additional cost to oversee the project was signed with a motion from Willenbring, seconded by Gertken. Carried 3-0.

Snow Plowing Quote:
Ralph’s Excavating - $105.00/Hour for snow plowing. $1000.00/Month retainer, Starting November 1st.
$6000.00 up front for salt/sand to be used for the 2017-2018 snow season.
A motion to grant the snow plowing work to Ralph’s Excavating for the 2017-2018 season was made by Willenbring, seconded by Gertken. Carried 3-0.

Reviewed Mail
The Mileage Certification form and Weed Inspection form were signed by Holthaus.
A motion to pay bills was made by Willenbring, seconded by Gertken. Carried 3-0.
Bills were paid in the amount of $110,408.33 using check numbers 6119, 6120 and 6146-6159.
At 9:25 PM, a motion to adjourn was made by Willenbring, seconded by Gertken. Carried 3-0.

Minutes submitted by:     Boni Behnen, Clerk 

Munson Township Board of Supervisors
Meeting Minutes
September 18, 2017
The regular monthly meeting of the Munson Township Board of Supervisors was called to order at 8:00 PM on September 18, 2017by Chairman, Dan Holthaus.

Joe Willenbring, Butch Gertken, Clerk, Boni Behnen, Treasurer Dick Behnen, P&Z Chair, Fred Lemke, P &Z Ad., Lynn Burg and P & Z Board Member, Mike Behnen.

Others Present
 List attached.


A motion to approve the minutes from August 21, 2017 was made by Willenbring, seconded by Gertken. Carried 3-0.

Treasurer’s Report
Income $5,019.70 Expenses $31,710.85 Balance $355,323.16. A motion to accept the Treasurer’s report was made by Gertken, seconded by Willenbring. Carried 3-0.

Open Forum
The board reviewed the Plans and Specifications for the West Ashton Road Improvement Project from Hakanson/Anderson. A motion to request bids for the project was made by Gertken, seconded by Willenbring. Carried 3-0. The bid notice will be placed in the Finance and Commerce and The Cold Spring Record newspapers by the engineering firm of Hakanson/Anderson. Sealed bids will be opened at a special meeting on October 5, 2017 @ 8:15 PM. Boni will place the special meeting notice in the Cold Spring Record and Paynesville Press.
Boni had been to a clerk’s meeting at the county for an update on the new election equipment in 2018. All Minnesota townships are now eligible to convert to mail ballot elections. The board would like more info on how it would work and what the cost would be. There could be a significant cost saving to the township. Boni will follow up with Dave Walz at the county auditor’s office.

General Township Issues

Reviewed Mail

A motion to pay bills was made by Willenbring, seconded by Gertken. Carried 3-0.
Bills were paid in the amount of $30,415.08 using check numbers 6121-6145. Check numbers 6119 and 6120 were inadvertently not used.

At 9:08 PM, a motion to adjourn was made by Willenbring, seconded by Gertken. Carried 3-0.

Minutes submitted by:     Boni Behnen, Clerk

Munson Township Board of Supervisors
Meeting Minutes
August 21, 2017

The regular monthly meeting of the Munson Township Board of Supervisors was called to order at 8:00 PM on August 21, 2017by Chairman, Dan Holthaus.

Joe Willenbring, Butch Gertken, Clerk, Boni Behnen, Treasurer Dick Behnen, P&Z Chair, Fred Lemke, P &Z Ad., and P & Z Board Member, Mike Behnen.
Others Present
 List attached.


A motion to approve the minutes from August 21, 2017 was made by Willenbring, seconded by Gertken. Carried 3-0.

Treasurer’s Report
Income $67,851.13 Expenses $29,381.60 Balance $382,014.31. A motion to accept the Treasurer’s report was made by Gertken, seconded by Willenbring. Carried 3-0.

Open Forum
Several West Ashton residents came forward with their checks for the West Ashton Road Improvement Project. The board had requested 100% monetary participation from the residents for the project to move forward. The township received checks from 18 of the 19 total property owners. The board will try to work with the one holdout. A motion was made by Gertken, seconded by, Willenbring to move forward with the project. Carried 3-0. Boni will call Hakanson/Anderson to have them prepare plans and specs. Holthaus will be contacted by the engineer (Adam Thiele) for specifics and questions. Boni will contact Mike Wills with updates on the project.
A motion was made by Gertken, seconded by Willenbring for Munson Township to take over the roads in the West Ashton Development as of tonight August 21, 2017. Resolution 2017-4 will be signed later. Carried 3-0.
The West Ashton residents will be informed before the checks are cashed.
Natasha Orbeck told the board that she felt that she was not given due respect by the board by the untimely receipt of the letter concerning payment for the road project. Her husband died shortly before the letters were sent out. Holthaus explained that the board had a deadline to deal with if the road project was to be completed this fall, and though it was unfortunate it could not be helped.

General Township Issues
Dan Holthaus requested a land split of his 6.2 acres along County Road 23 in the township. The Planning and Zoning Board, at their August 3, 2017 meeting, had made a 4-0 recommendation to the town board to approve the split. A motion was made by Willenbring, seconded by Gertken. Carried 2-0 with Holthaus abstaining. The preliminary plat was signed by Vice-Chair, Willenbring and Clerk, Behnen.
Larry Lahr questioned how bids will be requested for the West Ashton project. He thought that bids for the culverts and tarring should be separated to give the culvert work to local contractors. The board thought that we would get a better price if both tarring and culverts were bid together. A motion to bid culverts and tarring together was made by Willenbring, second by Gertken. Carried 3-0.
Because of the time restraints in getting the West Aston Road project done this fall, a motion was made by Willenbring, seconded by Gertken to give Holthaus the power to oversee the project. Carried 2-0.
The toilet in the women’s restroom at the town hall is not working properly. Matt Burg will replace the entire inside of the tank.

Reviewed Mail

A motion to pay bills was made by Willenbring, seconded by Gertken. Carried 3-0.
Bills were paid in the amount of $31,710.85 using check numbers 6111-6118.

At 8:55 PM, a motion to adjourn was made by Gertken, seconded by Willenbring. Carried 3-0.

Minutes submitted by:     Boni Behnen, Clerk

Munson Township Board of Supervisors
Meeting Minutes
July 17, 2017
The regular monthly meeting of the Munson Township Board of Supervisors was called to order at 8:00 PM on July 17, 2017by Chairman, Dan Holthaus.

Joe Willenbring, Butch Gertken, Clerk, Boni Behnen, Treasurer Dick Behnen, P&Z Chair, Fred Lemke, and P&Z Ad., Lynn Burg

Others Present
 List attached.


Approval of Minutes
A motion to approve the minutes from June 19, 2017 was made by Willenbring, seconded by Gertken. Carried 3-0.

Treasurer’s Report
Income $147,998.62 Expenses $51,868.55 Balance $343,544.78. A motion to accept the Treasurer’s report was made by Willenbring, seconded by Gertken. Carried 3-0.

Open Forum
Jim Egan and John Rocky, Chain of Lakes Assoc. discussed the project near Kron’s Bay. They are working with the SWCD to slow down the water so that it is cleaner when it enters the lake. The SWCD will pay for 75% of the $33,500 project, COL Assoc will pay $4,000.00 with a matching grant for another $4,000.00. COL Assoc was requesting that the township put in the $7,000.00 previously committed towards the general cost of the project. A motion was made by, Gertken to commit $7,000.00 to the general project, seconded by Holthaus. Carried 2-0 with Willenbring abstaining because of his involvement in the project.

General Township Issues
The board discussed the revision of the Feasibility Report for the West Ashton tarring project. A motion was made by Willenbring, second by Gertken to have Stantec revise the original report dated September 14, 2016. The revision will omit the drainage portion of the study. Carried 3-0. Boni will have Jeremy Mathiason call one of the Supervisors to explain what is wanted as far as the culverts in the development
The AED defibrillator that the township requested from the COL Fire Dept. is at the fire hall. It was decided that someone from the fire dept. will come in and demonstrate how to use it. Butch will talk to Clay Schaefer about building a box for the defibrillator to be placed in at the town hall.


Pay Bills
A motion to pay bills was made by Gertken, seconded by Willenbring. Carried 3-0.
Bills were paid in the amount of $29,381.60 using check numbers 6101-6110.

At 8:35 PM, a motion to adjourn was made by Willenbring, seconded by Gertken. Carried 3-0.

 Minutes submitted by:     Boni Behnen, Clerk

Munson Township Board of Supervisors
Meeting Minutes
 June 19, 2017

The regular monthly meeting of the Munson Township Board of Supervisors was called to order at 8:00 PM on June 17, 2017by Chairman, Dan Holthaus.

Joe Willenbring, Butch Gertken, Clerk, Boni Behnen, Treasurer Dick Behnen, P&Z Chair, Fred Lemke, P&Z member, Mike Behnen and P&Z Ad., Lynn Burg

Others Present
 List attached.


Approval of Minutes
A motion to approve the minutes from May 15, 2017 was made by Willenbring, seconded by Gertken. Carried 3-0.

 Treasurer’s Report
Income $610.42 Expenses $20,408.99 Balance $247,414.71. A motion to accept the Treasurer’s report was made by Gertken, seconded by Willenbring. Carried 3-0.

Open Forum
General Township Issues
A quote had been received for the possible tarring of the township hall parking lot.
MN Blacktopping Quote:
15,500 square feet. Pave 3” of asphalt. (2) 1 1/2” lifts.
Removal and shaping to be done by the township.
A motion to reject the quote from MN Blacktopping was made by Willenbring, second from Gertken. Carried 3-0. The cost was considerably more than the board was willing to pay.
The board wanted Boni to call Stantec and Hakanson/Anderson to request pricing to remove the drainage improvements in the original feasibility report for the West Ashton Development, done by Stantec in September of 2016.
A motion to sign the All-Hazard Mitigation Plan Resolution 2017-3 with Stearns County was made by Willenbring, seconded by Gertken. Carried 3-0.
There was a discussion concerning the mining pit renewals in Munson Township. There was not a stipulation written in the IUP for Knife River Corp requiring a $50.00 yearly renewal fee for the pit permits. Stearns County requires a yearly inspection of the pits. A motion from Gertken, second from Willenbring requires Lynn Burg, Zoning Ad., to do the inspections as part of her salary. Carried 3-0.


Pay Bills
A motion to pay bills was made by Gertken, seconded by Willenbring. Carried 3-0.
Bills were paid in the amount of $51,868.55 using check numbers 6071-6099. Check numbers 6065-6070 and 6100 were voided because of misprints.

At 8:45 PM, a motion to adjourn was made by Gertken, seconded by Willenbring. Carried 3-0.

Minutes submitted by:     Boni Behnen,Clerk

Munson Township Board of Supervisors
Meeting Minutes
May 15, 2017
The regular monthly meeting of the Munson Township Board of Supervisors was called to order at 8:00 PM on May 15, 2017by Chairman, Dan Holthaus.

Joe Willenbring, Butch Gertken, Clerk, Boni Behnen, Treasurer Dick Behnen, P&Z Chair, Fred Lemke, and P&Z Ad., Lynn Burg

Others Present
 List attached.


Approval of Minutes
A motion to approve the minutes from April 17, 2017 was made by Willenbring, seconded by, Gertken. Carried 3-0.

Treasurer’s Report
Income $578.17 Expenses $5,955.47 Balance $267,261.45. A motion to accept the Treasurer’s report was made by Gertken, seconded by Willenbring. Carried 3-0.

Open Forum
Jim Egan, Sauk River Chain of Lakes Association was requesting monetary backing from the Munson Township Board for improvements in drainage on Elmway Road. At this time, the water runs over Elmway and into Jeremy Carpenter’s property (23.14117.0000) and down to the lake. The improvements would funnel water from Elmdale Road and 207th Street for drainage under Elmway Road.  Greg Burg, Lakeshore Specialist for Stearns County has been working on the project he will do the work in kind. The estimated cost of the project, including the permit is $37,000.00. If all grants go through to may only cost $4,000.00-$5,000.00. A motion was made by Gertken, for the township to pay up to $7,500.00 on the project, second by Holthaus. Carried 2-0. Because of his involvement in the project, Willenbring abstained. Egan asked how the township will pay. After the grant money is applied to the bill, it will be sent to the township for payment.

General Township Issues
Resolution 2017-1 was signed by the chair and the clerk. The resolution was in reference to the motion made in April granting an IUP for Knife River Corporation. The IUP is a 5 year contract for mining pit renewals for several sites in the township.
The chair and clerk signed the Certificate of Appointment of Deputy Clerk. Judy Bruemmer, Clerk of Farming Township, had agreed to be appointed deputy clerk if Boni could not fulfill her duties. This appointment would be short term only.
In a follow-up of a complaint made by Christopher Prior about noise on Hwy 23 from semis using Jake brakes to slow down for the traffic light, Boni had contacted MNDOT to get some questions answered. MNDOT informed her that the township would need to pay nearly $800 per sign. The state would erect the signs but, the township would need to pay for the upkeep as well as provide written proof that law enforcement would enforce the signs. The township would need to provide a formal resolution to the state. The board decided that it would be cost prohibitive to go ahead with the signs. A motion to deny the request was made by Willenbring, seconded by, Gertken. Carried 3-0. The board felt that if noise signs were to be put up they would need to be placed further west so that truckers could adhere to the signage. That would place the signs in the Richmond city limits, not the township.
Resolution 2017-2, approving the State of Minnesota Joint Powers Agreements with the Township of Munson on Behalf of Its Township Attorney and Police Department was signed with a motion from Willenbring, second by Gertken. Carried 3-0. This resolution grants the township a share of the fines paid to the county for violations made in the township.

Cedar Island Lake Road tarring quotes were read.

Knife River Corp Quote:
Patch Potholes and Pave 1 ½” Overlay. $32,500.00
Includes: Patching Potholes, cleaning/sweeping roadway, and paving 1 ½” overlay, and traffic control.

MN Blacktopping Quote:
Approximately 19,500 square feet
Patch bad areas prior to overlay
Sweep and tack
1 ½” overlay on outside half and 2” overlay on inside half of road to help with bad areas and to get a crown on the road.  $24,850.00
A motion was made by Willenbring, second from Gertken to grant the tarring project to MN Blacktopping. Carried 3-0.
Boni will call MN Blacktopping for a price on a 3” overlay of tar only on the town hall parking lot. The other work on the parking lot will be done by Ralph’s Excavating.
Gertken would like to see the township buy a AED defibrillator for the town hall building. With all the meetings being held there by the township and the legion, he thinks it is necessary. The hall is also rented out to other people on a regular basis. With a motion from Gertken, second by Willenbring, it was decided to have Holthaus check with the COL Fire Dept. regarding buying one at a reasonable price. Holthaus will use his discretion. Carried 3-0.


Pay Bills
A motion to pay bills was made by Gertken, seconded by Willenbring. Carried 3-0.
Bills were paid in the amount of $20,408.99 using check numbers 6057-6064.

At 9:40 PM, a motion to adjourn was made by Gertken, seconded by Willenbring. Carried 3-0.

Minutes submitted by:     Boni Behnen, Clerk


Munson Township Board of Supervisors
Meeting Minutes 
April 17, 2017

The regular monthly meeting of the Munson Township Board of Supervisors was called to order at 8:00 PM on April 17, 2017by Vice- Chair, Joe Willenbring.

 Butch Gertken, Clerk, Boni Behnen, Treasurer Dick Behnen, P&Z Chair, Fred Lemke, P&Z Member, Mike Behnen and P&Z Ad., Lynn Burg

Others Present
 List attached.

Dan Holthaus

Approval of Minutes
 A motion to approve the minutes from March 20, 2017 was made by Gertken, seconded by, Willenbring. Carried 2-0.

Treasurer’s Report
Income $29,060.10 Expenses $24,160.71 Balance $272,638.75. A motion to accept the Treasurer’s report, was made by Gertken, seconded by Willenbring. Carried 2-0.

Open Forum
Planning and Zoning Minutes from April 6, 2017 were read. Knife River Corp was requesting a mining permit renewal of the 39acre site on Parcel # 23.13539.0000 for the Hemmesch Farm, located on 223rd Ave. P and Z members had questions about the plant starting up before the 6:00 AM start time and garbage at the entrance to the pit. Holly, from Knife River assured the board members that those issues would be taken care of. The Planning and Zoning board made a 5-0 recommendation to the town board to approve the mining pit renewal. Gertken stated that beepers go off when they are doing maintenance, and that is allowed before the 6:00 AM start up time.  A motion from Gertken, second by Willenbring approved the mining pit renewal. Carried 2-0. John Henry, Knife River Corp, assured the board that the garbage would be taken care of this week.
Kurt Kubasch, Central Minnesota Dust Control presented a quote for the upcoming dust control season. A motion to open the quote was made by Gertken, second by Willenbring. Carried 2-0.

Application of Dustgard PLUS Liquid Magnesium Chloride 33%
(Normal Product Application Rate of .3)
Price Per Foot@ 18 Feet Wide   .53
A motion to grant the 2017 dust control application to Central Minnesota Dust Control was made by Gertken, second by Willenbring. Carried 2-0. Kurt will work with Ralph’s Excavating to have the roads bladed before the dust control application.
Nancy Johnson, Pat’s daughter, requested a renewal of their 3.2 Liquor License for Twilight Acres for 2017. A motion was made by Gertken, second by Willenbring to approve and sign the liquor license renewal. Carried 2-0.
Brad Schramel presented the final plat for signing by the Chair. The plat was signed by the P&Z Chair at their April 6, 2017 meeting. A motion to approve and sign the final plat was made by Gertken, seconded by Willenbring. Carried 2-0.

General Township Issues
Christopher Pryor had a compliant about noise on Hwy 23 from semis using jake brakes to slow down for the traffic light. He would like to see a “NO JAKE BRAKE” sign erected in that area. Munson Township does not have any specific language in their ordinance to erect such a sign. Lynn will call the county to see what can be done. He was asking the township to write a letter to the county to recommend them to erect and enforce the sign.
At the annual meeting, Roman and Keith Schaefer had requested that 222nd Street be upgraded. Gertken had not been in contact with Thielen Construction at the time of the meeting.
Road restrictions had been lifted that morning and the board was considering leaving the signs up for another week but, Lynn said that Matt had already taken them down. It was decided to leave things as is.
The City of Richmond had received quotes from Hardrives and Knife River for the paving of 2nd Street S E from Maple Ave to the Fire District Building. The City was requesting that Munson Township pay one-half of the estimated cost. A motion from Gertken, second by Willenbring to agree to paying half of the cost of the paving provided it does not exceed the $13,500.00 stated on the quote. Carried 2-0.
Angie Berg, Stearns County Environmental Services, had requested to come to a monthly board meeting to discuss the county taking over the processing of minor plats in the township. The county would like to see a reduction in the time and meetings required for residents to process minor plats. The board was open to Angie attending the next meeting


Pay Bills
A motion to pay bills, was made by Gertken, seconded by Willenbring. Carried 2-0.
Bills were paid in the amount of $5,955.47 using check numbers 6043-6056.

At 8:55 PM, a motion to extend the meeting to Tuesday, April 25, 2017 @ 4:00 PM to do road inspections was made by Gertken, seconded by Willenbring. Carried 2-0.

Minutes submitted by:     Boni Behnen, Clerk

 Munson Township Board of Supervisors
Meeting Minutes
March 20, 2017

The regular monthly meeting of the Munson Township Board of Supervisors was called to order at 8:00 PM on March 20, 2017by Chairman, Dan Holthaus.

Joe Willenbring, Butch Gertken, Clerk, Boni Behnen, Treasurer Dick Behnen, P & Z Chair, Fred Lemke and P and Z Ad., Lynn Burg

Others Present
Residents on Dutch Ave. List attached.


Approval of Minutes
 A motion to approve the minutes from February 21, 2017 was made by Willenbring, seconded by, Gertken. Carried 3-0.

Treasurer’s Report
Income $2,835.75 Expenses $30,665.42 Balance $294,723.97. A motion to accept the Treasurer’s report, was made by Gertken, seconded by Willenbring. Carried 3-0.

Open Forum
Residents living on Dutch Ave were present to ask about the possible tarring of Dutch Ave and asked how pricing was determined by the board. Holthaus responded that in the past, roads by the lakes were paid one-half by the township and one-half by the residents. The residents said that Dutch Ave had not been graded before it froze up last fall and the road was in very poor condition. They felt that the road should be graded more often and was in need of gravel. Holthaus informed the group that they could call one of the board members when the road needed maintenance and it would be taken care of. The residents asked to be placed on the agenda at the next month’s meeting.

General Township Issues
 The proposal from Stantec was reviewed by the board. They felt that the price was too high. Boni will call Hakanson/Anderson to set up a meeting between the board and Adam Theile to go onsite at West Ashton and get a price proposal from them. The meeting will be March 24th @ 6:30 PM. Boni will also call Knife River and get a rough estimate of tarring costs.
At the annual meeting, Roman and Keith Schaefer had requested that the 222nd Street be upgraded. They felt there was a safety issue with the school bus and the road needed to be widened to the 1st approach. Butch will contact Thielen Construction in Eden Valley to get pricing.

2017 Quote for Blading and Class 5 – Ralph’s Excavating
Class 5 – Gravel, Hauling and Spreading  $8.50 per yard
Blading Roads -  $98.00 per hour
A motion to grant the Blading and Class 5 work to Ralph’s Excavating was made by Willenbring, seconded by Gertken. Carried 3-0.


Pay Bills
A motion to pay bills, was made by Willenbring, seconded by Gertken. Carried 3-0.
Bills were paid in the amount of $24,160.71, using check numbers 6001-6041. Checks 6005, 6023-6027, and 6042 were voided due to printing errors.

At 9:05 PM, motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Willenbring, seconded by Gertken. Carried 3-0.

Minutes submitted by:     Boni Behnen, Clerk

Munson Township Board of Supervisors
Meeting Minutes
 February 21, 2017

The regular monthly meeting of the Munson Township Board of Supervisors was called to order at 8:00 PM on February 21, 2017by Chairman, Dan Holthaus.

Joe Willenbring, Butch Gertken, Clerk, Boni Behnen, Treasurer Dick Behnen, and  P & Z Chair, Fred Lemke.

Others Present
West Ashton Residents. List attached.

P and Z Ad. Lynn Burg

Approval of Minutes
 A motion to approve the minutes from January 17, 2017 was made by Willenbring, seconded by, Gertken. Carried 3-0.

 Treasurer’s Report
Income $8,405.78 Expenses $26,665.42 Balance $294,757.70. A motion to accept the Treasurer’s report, was made by Gertken, seconded by Willenbring. Carried 3-0.

West Ashton Development
Glen Berkman was the spokesperson for the group. Discussed the cost of the project as reported in the Feasibility Report from Stantec and what items could possibly be removed to cut costs to keep it affordable for all residents. The supervisors will go onsite to take a look at everything.

General Township Issues
A motion to appoint Carin Schroeder, Matt Burg, , Rita Schroeder and Joe Willenbring to work as election judges for the upcoming township election on March 14th, was made by Willenbring, seconded by Gertken. Also, Rita Schroeder is appointed to the absentee Ballot Board, not Carin Schroeder. Carried 3 -0.
A motion was made by Willenbring, to accept and sign the Fire Contract with the St Martin Fire Dept.  Seconded by Gertken. Carried 3-0.
The road past Niewinds near Roscoe is in need of repair. The road is too high and the water does not stay in the ditch. Holthaus guessed that it would cost $5,000 - $8,000 for repairs. Willenbring made a motion to have it repaired when the frost is out. Seconded by Gertken. Carried 3-0.
Matt will take care of putting up the signs for road restrictions.
The Mitigation Action Worksheet was discussed and filled out by the board.


Pay Bills
A motion to pay bills, was made by Willenbring, seconded by Gertken. Carried 3-0.
Bills were paid in the amount of $ 30,723.97, using check numbers 5089-5102.

At 9:30 PM, a motion to extend the meeting to Saturday, February 25, 2017 at 9:00 AM for the supervisors to look at the roads in the West Ashton Development, was made by Willenbring, seconded by Gertken. Carried 3-0.

 Minutes submitted by:     Boni Behnen, Clerk

Munson Township Board of Supervisors
Meeting Minutes
 January 16, 2017


The regular monthly meeting of the Munson Township Board of Supervisors was called to order at 8:00 PM on January16, 2017by Chairman, Dan Holthaus.

Joe Willenbring, Butch Gertken, Clerk, Boni Behnen, Treasurer Dick Behnen, P & Z Chair, Fred Lemke, and P & Z Ad., Lynn Burg

Others Present
Marie and Steve Jennings


Approval of Minutes
After a change was made, a motion to approve the minutes from December 16, 2016 was made by Gertken, seconded by, Willenbring. Carried 3-0.

Treasurer’s Report
Income $165,516.35 Expenses $22,808.99 Balance $313,017.34 A motion to accept the Treasurer’s report, was made by Willenbring, seconded by Gertken. Carried 3-0.

Plat Approval
Steve and Marie Jennings presented the final plat for Buffalo Ridge Estates. The plat had been okayed by Stearns and the town board needed to give its’ approval. Lemke questioned if there would not be a problem with property owners sharing one approach. It was decided that it would not be an issue. A motion to approve and sign the plat was made by Gertken, second by, Willenbring. Carried 3-0. The mylars were signed by Fred Lemke and Dan Holthaus.

Public Hearing
At 8:15, the public hearing was re-opened from the December 16, 2016 meeting. The purpose of the hearing was to consider changes to Ordinance #4. The revision will include “dogs running at large” as well as cats. The revision will include a $50.00 fine for the violation of that clause. A motion from Gertken to approve the above- named changes to Ordinance #4, seconded by Willenbring. Carried 3-0. A motion to close the public hearing was made by Willenbring, seconded by Gertken. Carried 3-0.

 General Township Issues
A motion to appoint Carin Schroeder and Matt Burg to the Absentee Ballot Board for the upcoming township election was made by Willenbring, seconded by Gertken. Carried 3 -0.

Boni had forgotten the township mail at home so she will mail copies to the supervisors.

Pay Bills
A motion to pay bills, was made by Willenbring, seconded by Gertken. Carried 3-0.
Bills were paid in the amount of $ 26,665.42, using check numbers 5079-5088.

At 8:40 PM, a motion to close the meeting was made by Gertken, seconded by Willenbring. Carried 3-0.

 Minutes submitted by:     Boni Behnen, Clerk

2017 Munson Township Board Minutes

Minutes from township board meetings are placed on the website once they have been approved, Ex: Minutes from the June board meeting would be placed on the website following their approval at the July meeting.