Munson Township

Munson Township Board of Supervisors

Meeting Minutes
September 21, 2020
The regular monthly meeting of the Munson Township Board of Supervisors was called to order at 8:00 PM on September 21, 2020 by Chairman, Butch Gertken.
Joe Willenbring, Matt Burg Clerk, Boni Behnen, Treasurer, Dick Behnen, P & Z Ad., Lynn Burg, P& Z Chair, Orville Willenbring and P and Z member, Mike Behnen.
A motion to approve the town board minutes from August 17, 2020, was made by Burg, seconded by Willenbring. Carried 3-0.

Treasurer’s Report
Income $42,264.89 Expenses $16,030.53 Balance $575,781.94. A motion to accept the Treasurer’s report was made by Willenbring, seconded by Burg. Carried 3-0.
Tim Meland, Stearns County Sheriff’s Dept. gave an update of total calls in the township including traffic stops and watercraft violations. Report attached.
Roman Schaefer was not happy that the cattle pass was removed on 222nd St and replaced with a 16” culvert.
He again said that he would donate fill from his field to improve 222nd Street and make it wider. He said that his son was killed in 2013 on a road that was too narrow, and he feels that 222nd St is not safe. He said that this is the last time that he will make the offer.
Gertken had attended the St Martin Fire Meeting as a representative of the township. They have 2 new hires in the dept and do not expect to expand currently. Wyatt Kemper is the new town clerk. The mayor of St Martin is not seeking re-election.
The board had received complaints about the recent crack seal on Becker Lake Circle from Brian Junkemeier and others. The road is bumpy, and the seams are bad. There are deep holes remaining. The board explained that the repairs were a short-term fix to get more life out of the road. The holes will be taken care of.
Mike Nielson gave a handout on fees for a road repair plan for the township. Handout attached. The cost for the plan would be $26,494. Nielson said there could possibly be grant money available for road improvements. The board wanted to review the plan more thoroughly before deciding. Nielson said that they would need a green light by next month’s meeting.

Air exchanger and filter system quotes were received as follows:

Gilk Plumbing and Heating -$2,707.00

Mondloch Inc - $3684.23

No quote had been received from Kraemer Heating and AC at the time of the meeting.
A motion from Burg to hire Gilk to complete the work, second Willenbring. Carried 3-0.

Quote for Acoustic Tiles:

St Cloud Acoustics - $6000.00
No quote had been received from Arrow Acoustics at the time of the meeting.
A motion to have St Cloud Acoustics provide and install the panels was made by Burg, second Willenbring. Lighting will also be upgraded to LED’s Carried 3-0

Boni will purchase plexiglass from Wenner’s for sneeze guards. A motion to purchase the guards at up $300 was made by Burg, second Willenbring. Carried.  Boni will also buy more hand soap.

COL Fire Update
Willenbring had a list of possible purchases for the COL Fire District for COVID related expenses. Munson would pay their percentage of the possible purchases. Motion Willenbring, second Burg. Carried 3-0. Willenbring will get the bills to Boni.
The fire district got 2 bids for the pick-up truck they would like to buy. They have money saved for the purchase.
Road work needed:

Big Lake Road – 20-foot section of guard rail broken, grass growing on the road. Matt will spray.
Flint’s 246th hill – Matt will spray weeds.
Hole in tar on 193rd by Al Willenbring. Matt will patch.
Ron Rolfe’s ditch – Ralph will clean out ditch to stop water from running into the field.

A motion to pay bills and 3rd quarter payroll was made by Willenbring, seconded by Burg. Carried 3-0. Bills were paid in the amount of $ 101,283.78 using check numbers 6833-6856.
A motion to pay Burg for cutting grass and patching was made by Gertken, second by Willenbring. Carried 2-0. Burg abstained. Check #6842.

At 9:50, the meeting was adjourned.

Minutes submitted by:    Boni Behnen, Clerk


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2020 Township Minutes