Munson Township

​​Munson Township Board of Supervisors
Meeting Minutes
December 17, 2018

The regular monthly meeting of the Munson Township Board of Supervisors was called to order at 8:00 PM on December 17, 2018 by Chairman, Joe Willenbring.

Butch Gertken, Matt Burg, Clerk, Boni Behnen, Treasurer, Dick Behnen, P & Z Chair, John Tschumperlin, P & Z member, Mike Behnen, and P &Z Ad., Lynn Burg.


A motion to approve the town board minutes from November 19 and minutes from the extended meeting November 20, 2018, was made by Gertken, seconded by Burg. Carried 3-0.

Treasurer’s Report

Income $492.53 Expenses $40,060.90 Balance $339,034.82. A motion to accept the Treasurer’s report was made by Gertken, seconded by Burg. Carried 3-0.

Chain of Lakes Monthly Board Meeting Update

At the Annual COL Fire Budget Meeting on December 10, 2018 the 2019 budget was approved by the members of the 5 townships in the COL Fire Department.

General Township Issues

Steve Jennings, Buffalo Ridge Estates, proposed to re-plat and add more land to his lot (32,000 sq. ft) on the 7th St N. side. The Planning and Zoning Board had approved the preliminary plat at their December 6th meeting. A motion to approve the preliminary plat was made by Gertken, second by Burg. Carried 3-0. Jennings left a copy of the plat for the township.

Roman Schaefer had spoken to Jim Gilk about allowing the township an easement over a portion of his property for the proposed road improvements on 222nd Street. Gilk said that he would not have a problem granting the easement and offered to move the fence to allow for the easement.

Burg had received an acoustic panel sample from Orville Willenbring and contact info for Andrew Mcfadden. Matt will ask McFadden to come to the board meeting in January to explain the placement and pricing info.

Fred Lemke is up for re-appointment in 2019 on the P and Z Board. He would like to retire from the board. An ad will be placed in the C S Record and the Paynesville Press asking for persons to send a letter of interest to the town board by January 18, 2019. The P and Z Board provided a list of people to contact that would possibly be interested. Burg will call and ask them to send a letter of interest if they want to be considered.

A motion to sign the 2019 Polling Place Designation Resolution was made by Gertken, second Burg. Carried 3-0.

Boni asked the board members if they would like to receive the board packet the Friday before each monthly meeting. They were fine with just getting the packet the night of the meeting.

Boni said that she no longer wishes to take care of the rental of the town hall. The board will begin a search to find a replacement for that position.

We do not have a head judge for the township election in March. We are also in need of another election judge for that day. We will need to borrow judges from other townships or cities in the area. A motion was made by Gertken to pay mileage to the election judges that are from out of the township, in addition to their wages. Second by Burg. Carried 3-0.

Gertken asked Boni to keep a look out for any available funding to upgrade the two bridges in the township. The bridges will be needing repair in the next few years.

Dick asked the board to consider paying off one of the smaller bond payments, the $40,000 or $60,000 one. The larger bonds will be coming due in 2-3 years. They will take a look at it in 2019.

Reviewed Mail

A motion to pay bills and payroll, was made by Burg, seconded by Gertken. Carried 3-0. Bills were paid in the amount of $36,759.02 using check numbers 6385-6414. Check numbers 6407, 6408 and 6409 were voided.  

At 9:05, a motion to adjourn was made by Burg, second by Gertken. Carried 3-0.





Chairman Joe Willenbring called the continued Town Board meeting to order at 3:30 p.m.  All Supervisors were in attendance.

Schaefer Access Issue:

 Roman and JoAnn Schaefer with their attorney Adam Ripple of Rinke Noonan were in attendance to discuss the field accesses to their property.  Town Attorney Bob Ruppe explained the history of the access issue including the prior litigation and the settlement agreement entered into between the parties.  Mr. Ruppe further explained that Mr. Schaefer has reinstalled the accesses to his property without the Town Board’s permission and is in violation of the settlement agreement.

Mr. Schaefer explained that he believed he had the Town Board’s permission to reinstall the two field accesses onto 222nd Street and that he would take them out if requested to do so by the Town Board. Adam Ripple proposed widening 222nd Street from its current 16-foot width to 20 feet in exchange for the two-field access.  Mr. Ripple stated that his clients would agree to provide any necessary road easements and fill from their property at their sole expense.

Contractor Jon Thielen of Thielen Excavating, LLC, explained the work that would be necessary.   He had inspected the road at the request of Mr. Schaefer.  Mr. Thielen stated that he would use the fill from the Schaefer property to fill in the ditch on the east side of the road to widen the road surface from its present feet to 20 feet and then shape the remaining ditch to a 4 to 1 slope.  He had not yet calculated the cost to perform this work but would be willing to give the parties an estimate.
Discussion was held regarding the present road right-of-way easement for 222nd Street and the need for the Town Engineer to review the proposed project with an emphasis on not modifying the current drainage onto adjacent properties.

The parties agreed that the next steps are:

  • Attorney Adam Ripple will determine what easements are required to construct the road improvement project.
  • Roman Schaefer will speak with Jim Gilk regarding granting the Township a road easement over a portion of his property.  If he is willing to grant the Township an easement then the Town Attorney will prepare the necessary documents.
  • Jon Thielen will prepare a proposal for the project for the Town Board’s consideration.
  • The Town Attorney will consult with the Town Engineer and report back to the Town Board regarding the project once Mr. Thielen has finished his project proposal.

The Town Board agreed that Mr. and Mrs. Schaefer would not have to remove the two field accesses at the present time while the Town Board considered the merits and costs of their road improvement proposal if Mr. and Mrs. Schaefer agreed not to use the accesses.  Specifically, the Town Board agreed that the accesses could stay until The Town Board stated otherwise in writing with notice being given to their attorney Adam Ripple.  The Town Board agreed that if they requested the removal of the two field accesses that Mr. and Mrs. Schaefer would have until the Spring to remove accesses with the specific date to be determined by the Town Board.   Mr. and Mrs. Schaefer agreed to these conditions.

Motion to adjourn made by Supervisor Matt Burg and seconded by Supervisor Butch Gertken.  All in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 4:29 p.m.​

Munson Township Board of Supervisors
Meeting Minutes
November 15, 2018

The regular monthly meeting of the Munson Township Board of Supervisors was called to order at 8:00 PM on November 15, 2018 by Chairman, Joe Willenbring.

Butch Gertken, Clerk, Boni Behnen, Treasurer, Dick Behnen, P & Z Vice Chair, Matt Burg, P & Z members, Orville Willenbring, Mike Behnen, and P &Z Ad., Lynn Burg.

John Tchumperlin

A motion to approve the town board minutes from October 15, 2018, was made by Gertken, seconded by Willenbring. Carried.

Treasurer’s Report

Income $27,226.60 Expenses $14,733.45 Balance $378,603.19. A motion to accept the Treasurer’s report was made by Gertken, seconded by Willenbring. Carried.

Chain of Lakes Monthly Board Meeting Update

COL Fire sold the old tanker truck for $14,000.00. Joe asked about starting a sinking fund for future equipment. The board said that they would like to wait 2-3 years.

 Boni nominated Matt Burg to fill the vacancy in the supervisor position left by Dan Holthaus until the township election in March. Seconded by Willenbring. Carried 3-0. This is the only time that clerks can vote as a member of an appointment committee. The clerk serves on the committee with the remaining supervisors and is authorized to make motions and should vote on who should be appointed to fill the supervisor vacancy. Minn. Stat. § 367.03, subd.6.

General Township Issues

Roman Schaefer had re-installed two approaches on 222nd Street. The landowner living at the end of 222nd St. called the sheriff, who subsequently called Supervisor, Joe Willenbring. At this point Schaefer was ordered to cease his activity. Schaefer stated that he had gotten permission from John Tschumperlin to do it. John does not have the authority to give the go ahead for that. (John was absent from the meeting, so Roman’s claim could not be corroborated.)  Willenbring was advised by attorney, Bob Ruppe, to get bids to upgrade the road.

Lynn had contacted Prior about his construction of an addition to his garage without a permit. He thought that it was on the blue prints. He will call building inspector, Mark Harren, to take care of it. 

 The legion had talked to Willenbring about the possibility of installing a product to cut down on the noise in the town hall. The legion would be willing to pay for part of it. Orville Willenbring said that the county had installed acoustic tiles on the walls at the courthouse. Orville said that Dave Mehr has installed the tiles for the county. Orville will get contact info.

There was a discussion about possibly replacing the fluorescent lighting in the town hall with LED lighting. We need to get pricing before making any decision.

The Annual Township Report for Noxious Weed Control was signed by Chair, Willenbring and Burg, Local Weed Inspector.

 Reviewed Mail

A motion to pay bills was made by Burg, seconded by Gertken. Carried 3-0. Bills were paid in the amount of $40,060.90 using check numbers 6373-6384.  

At 9:05 a motion to extend the meeting to 3:15 PM tomorrow, November 20, 2018 was made by Gertken, second by Burg. Carried 3-0.

Minutes submitted by:    Boni Behnen, Clerk

Munson Township Board of Supervisors
Meeting Minutes
October 15, 2018

The regular monthly meeting of the Munson Township Board of Supervisors was called to order at 8:00 PM on October 15, 2018by Chairman, Joe Willenbring.

Butch Gertken, Clerk, Boni Behnen, Treasurer, Dick Behnen, P & Z Chair, John Tschumperlin, P & Z member, Orville Willenbring and P &Z Ad., Lynn Burg.


A motion to approve the town board minutes from September 17, 2018, was made by Gertken, seconded by Willenbring. Carried.

 Treasurer’s Report
Income $1,230.00 Expenses $ 183,350.18 Balance $366,110.04 A motion to accept the Treasurer’s report was made by Gertken, seconded by Willenbring. Carried.

Chain of Lakes Monthly Board Meeting Update

A dedication ceremony for Dan Holthaus will be held at the fire hall. A tree has been planted and plaque will be placed in his honor.
A FEMA grant was awarded to the COL Fire Dept for four sets of turnout gear totaling $11,810.
Gertken suggested that Willenbring bring up to the fire board that they should consider starting a sinking fund for truck replacement.
Ralph and Matt Gertken presented their quote for the 2018-2019 snow season.
A motion was made by Gertken to open the quote, second by Willenbring. Carried.

2018-2019 Snow Plowing Quote:
Plowing Snow -$105.00/Hour
Retainer - $1000.00/month. Starting November 1.
$6,500.00 up front for salt/sand.
Matt said that salt/sand may be going up 15-20% this winter.
A motion to accept the quote from Ralph’s Excavating was made by Gertken, second by Willenbring. Carried.

General Township Issues
There was a discussion about possibly changing the Visa card to Falcon National Bank or CMCU. The due date of our current Visa does not coincide with the township meetings when the bills are paid. It will be discussed further next month.
Willenbring asked if there was any cold patch left. Gertken said that there were 4-5 bags. Some township items were still being stored at Dean’s auto repair business. Dean would like them removed now that his dad Dan is gone. Joe will take care of the pothole on Fruitwood Road.
The township ordinance does not allow for spreading of whey on fields in the township. The township had been asked to change the ordinance to allow for it. The supervisors decided to leave it as is.
Willenbring asked Lynn to check and see if Prior had gotten a permit for his addition in West Torah. The addition should be 10ft off the property line.
Gertken said that the township mower should be updated. Gertken thought that it would cost $1,400-$2,100 in repairs. They discussed if one should be rented to finish out the year. Week-end rent could be cheaper. Gertken will call for prices. Possibly they could demo one from Lake Henry Implement. They will discuss it further in January or February.

Reviewed Mail

A motion to pay bills was made by Gertken, seconded by Willenbring. Carried. Bills were paid in the amount of $14,359.34 using check numbers 6360-6372.  

The Resolution for the Blankenhagen variance in June was lost in the mail. Lynn will reprint the document and Boni will submit it to the recorder’s office.
Gertken suggested that we should start a road graveling schedule. That way we can address each road in the township for upgrading, one per year. Other road repairs would be done as needed. This will be implemented during the 2019 Road Inspections.

 At 9:15 a motion to adjourn was made by Gertken, second by Willenbring. Carried.

 Minutes submitted by:    Boni Behnen, Clerk

Munson Township Board of Supervisors
Meeting Minutes
September 17, 2018

The regular monthly meeting of the Munson Township Board of Supervisors was called to order at 8:00 PM on September 17, 2018by Chairman, Joe Willenbring.

Butch Gertken, Clerk, Boni Behnen, Treasurer, Dick Behnen, P & Z Chair, John Tschumperlin, P & Z members, Mike Behnen, Orville Willenbring, Matt Burg and P &Z Ad., Lynn Burg.


A motion to approve the town board minutes from August 20, 2018, was made by Gertken, seconded by Willenbring. Carried 2-0.

 Treasurer’s Report
Income $ 4,231.31 Expenses $ 37,166.15 Balance $548,230.22 A motion to accept the Treasurer’s report was made by Gertken, seconded by Willenbring. Carried 2-0.

Ernest and Kathryn Heinen, 19498 Koetter Court, Parcel# 23.14278.0010. They were seeking a variance of the road setback on Koetter Court. All of the Planning and Zoning Board members had been out to look at the site. With a 4-0 motion the P&Z Board made a recommendation to the town board, to grant the variance. A motion was made by Gertken, to grant the variance. Second by Willenbring. Carried 2-0. The paperwork for the resolution was not ready to sign. It will be signed at a later date.

 General Township Issues
Keith and Roman Schaefer asked the board to reconsider their ruling on widening 222nd St and allowing them to add an approach. Roman said that only one approach per 80 acres is a long haul when doing field work. It’s a matter of convenience. Roman also stated that he would be opening up the hill near there and there would be a lot of fill for the road. He also said that the road is too narrow, and he feels it is dangerous. The supervisors agreed to take a look at it when the Schaefers get ahold of one of them.
Glenn Berkman had concerns about the West Ashton Road Improvements. He feels that it is not finished; wash-outs, no 2-foot shoulders etc. Also, a “children at play sign” is missing. Boni will get in touch with Adam Thiele, engineer for the project, about these issues.
Bill Hawn had called Willenbring about a snow plowing issue with his neighbors. Hawn does not live at his residence in the winter months. His neighbors wanted to force him to pay for his share of the snow plowing even though he isn’t there. Willenbring called Bob Ruppe, township attorney, about the issue. If Hawn had been part of a contract or covenant with these neighbors, he would have to pay. Since there was no contact or covenant he is not obligated to contribute.
Joe Perske, DFL state senate candidate for District 13 was present to answer questions from residents. Issues discussed included broadband, state aid, bridges, infrastructure, splitting property, county control, buffer zones, setbacks of feed lots, Hwy 23 expansion, and mail balloting.
Boni said that there was a problem with trees hanging over the road on 193rd Ave.
Boni had a received a letter from Matt Bruyette, land manager, stating that they would like to spread whey on land owned by Lauer and Sons, in Munson Township. The Munson Township Ordinance does not allow it. Matt asked for the supervisors to listen to presentation concerning the issue.
Willenbring had received an estimate from Krippner Excavating for Elmway Road. It will be considered in 2019.
Due to the vacancy on the board by the death Dan Holthaus, the board considered names of persons that had agreed to be appointed:
Jack Stang, Orville Willenbring, Matt Burg, and Rick Bohlman.
 Boni nominated Rick Bohlman to be appointed until the March 2019 township elections. Matt Burg asked what qualified Bohlman for the position. Orville stated that he thought we needed someone with experience.
There was no second to the nomination. It was decided to wait until next month.

Reviewed Mail
A motion to pay bills was made by Gertken, seconded by Willenbring. Carried 2-0. Bills were paid in the amount of $76,024.83 using check numbers 6335-6359.  A motion to not pay Knife River Corp at this time was made by Gertken, second by Willenbring. Carried 2-0. Check number 6355 to Knife River Corp was not paid at this time.

At 9:55 PM, a motion to extend the meeting to Monday, September 24 @ 8:00 PM was made by Gertken, seconded by Willenbring. Carried 2-0. The meeting was extended to address unfinished business. Lance Kalthoff will also be present to review Hwy 23 plans.

 The extended meeting was call to order at 8:00 PM by Chair, Joe Willenbring.

Lance Kalthoff, Project Manager for the Hwy 23 expansion explained the route and impact to Munson Township. The project would start in 2022. The project is funded through bonding from 2021-2026. Kalthoff used detailed maps of the project.

Items discussed include:
Roadways and intersections width, drainage, financial restraints, MNDOT standards, detours, unofficial detours made by residents. The roadway is designed for 70 MPH.
Kalthoff gave Boni his contact information to share with residents that have questions. lance.kalthoff@
Matt Bruyette, Integrated Crop Management Services, Les Loff, West Central Pumping Owner, and Dan Schumacher, West Central Pumping Driver presented the plans for the Lauer farm. They would like to get a permit to spread whey on the Lauer fields. MPCA would closely monitor the soil for pollution run-off. At this time, the Munson Township ordinance does not allow spreading of bi-products. Bruyette will contact Lynn Burg to see if there is a possible solution that would allow the spreading of whey.
The supervisors still had concerns about the West Ashton Road Improvement Project. Issues included inadequate shoulders, drainage issues and a missing sign. Adam Thiele, engineer for the project, was called, and the supervisors spoke with him concerning those issues. Thiele explained that none of the issues addressed were part of the plan. Thiele and Holthaus had worked out the plan onsite and the finished road adhered to those plans. A motion to sign check 6355 to Knife River for the West Ashton Improvements was made by Gertken, seconded by Willenbring. Carried 2-0 Boni will contact Matt Burg to order and erect dead end, no turn around, and children at play signs in West Ashton.

 Resolution 2018-4 was signed for the approved variance for Ernest and Kathryn Heinen.

At 9:30, a motion to adjourn was made by Gertken, second by Willenbring. Carried 2-0

 Minutes submitted by:    Boni Behnen, Clerk

​​Munson Township Board of Supervisors
Meeting Minutes
August 20, 2018

The regular monthly meeting of the Munson Township Board of Supervisors was called to order at 8:00 PM on August 20, 2018by Chairman, Joe Willenbring.

Butch Gertken, Clerk, Boni Behnen, Treasurer, Dick Behnen, P & Z Chair, John Tschumperlin, P & Z members, Mike Behnen, Orville Willenbring and P &Z Ad., Lynn Burg.


Willenbring asked for a moment of silence to remember Dan Holthaus, over 30-year member of the Munson Township Board of Supervisors, who passed away on August 1, 2018. He will be greatly missed.

A motion to approve the town board minutes from July 20, 2018, Weed Inspections from July 12, 2018 and Special Meeting Minutes from August 11, 2018                             was made by Gertken, seconded by Willenbring. Carried 2-0.

 Treasurer’s Report
Income $ 67,908.56 Expenses $ 18,789.71 Balance $ 581,011.39 A motion to accept the Treasurer’s report was made by Gertken, seconded by Willenbring. Carried 2-0.

 General Township Issues
Michael Morgan, Morgan’s Motorplex, asked for a letter of consent from the board to close State Hwy 22 on October 20, 2018, 9AM – 5PM for a performance run from Cozy Corners to State Highway 23 in Richmond. Even though Munson Township does not have jurisdiction over highway 22 the State of Minnesota is asking for a letter of consent for the cars to travel through Munson Township. The board had an issue with possible liability should an incident occur. Boni will call Ruppe to investigate the matter. With a motion from Gertken, the board will approve or deny the request contingent on Ruppe’s advice, seconded by Willenbring. Carried 2-0.
Tony Barthel was present to complain about the recent blading of Fruitwood Road. The road had been dustcoated and only a few places needed blading, but the entire road was bladed. He felt that it was a waste of the dustcoating to blade the entire road. He asked how the board determines when to blade. Willenbring replied that it was done when necessary or when we receive calls from residents.
The board decided to get an estimate of the cost to repair Elmway Road with the problems raised at the Special Meeting out on Elmway on August 11. Willenbring will call Krippner Excavating for an estimate. He will also call Kevin, one of the residents on Elmway, and he will notify the other residents of updates.
Due to the recent stroke of long time road maintenance person, Ralph Gertken, his son Matt will take over for Ralph until he is ready to come back.
Gertken asked to be notified when the township receives the bill from Knife River for the road improvements in the West Ashton Development.

 Reviewed Mail

A motion to pay bills was made by Gertken, seconded by Willenbring. Carried 2-0. Bills were paid in the amount of $36,016.84 using check numbers 6320-6334.

At 8:45 PM, a motion to adjourn was made by Gertken, seconded by Willenbring. Carried 2-0.

Minutes submitted by:    Boni Behnen, Clerk

Munson Township Board of Supervisors
Meeting Minutes
July 20, 2018

The regular monthly meeting of the Munson Township Board of Supervisors was called to order at 8:00 PM on June 18, 2018by Chairman, Dan Holthaus.

Joe Willenbring, Butch Gertken, Clerk, Boni Behnen, Treasurer, Dick Behnen, P & Z Chair, John Tschumperlin and P &Z Ad., Lynn Burg.


 A motion to approve the town board minutes from June 18, 2018 was made by Willenbring, seconded by Gertken. Carried 3-0.

 Treasurer’s Report
Income $148,781.82 Expenses $56,847.37 Balance $531,892.54 A motion to accept the Treasurer’s report was made by Gertken, seconded by Willenbring. Carried 3-0.

General Township Issues
Falcon National Bank has switched companies for their Visa card. With a motion from Gertken, second from Willenbring, it was decided to keep our current Visa card and up the limit to $2500.
Candidate for State Senate, Jeff Howe and Candidate for State Representative, Lisa Demuth would like to use the outdoor town hall shelter at the August 20 meeting. They would like to meet with Munson Township residents to address any issues they may have. The board gave the okay for that and will allow each one to address the board for five minutes.
The board gave the okay for Gertken to clean up the ditch by the COL Fire Hall before River Lake Days.
Willenbring will arrange a meeting with the residents on Elmway Road to discuss drainage and road issues. Boni will post the notice when the time and date is set.

 Reviewed Mail
A motion to pay bills was made by Gertken, seconded by Willenbring. Carried 3-0. Bills were paid in the amount of $18,789.71 using check numbers 6306-6319.

At 8:46 PM, a motion to adjourn was made by Willenbring, seconded by Gertken. Carried 3-0.

Minutes submitted by:    Boni Behnen, Clerk

Munson Township Board of Supervisors
Meeting Minutes
June 18, 2018
The regular monthly meeting of the Munson Township Board of Supervisors was called to order at 8:00 PM on June 18, 2018by Chairman, Dan Holthaus.

Joe Willenbring, Butch Gertken, Clerk, Boni Behnen, Treasurer, Dick Behnen, P&Z members, Mike Behnen, Orville Willenbring, Fred Lemke, P & Z Chair, John Tschumperlin and P &Z Ad., Lynn Burg.


A motion to approve the town board minutes from May 21, 2018, with a correction regarding a culvert on 243rd and Hilltop Road, was made by Willenbring, seconded by Gertken. Carried 3-0.

 Treasurer’s Report
Income $7,633.12 Expenses $22,495.56 Balance $439,958.09 A motion to accept the Treasurer’s report was made by Gertken, seconded by Willenbring. Carried 3-0.

Michael and Linda Blankenhagen, 20855 Eastway Road, PID # 23.14602.0072 were requesting a variance to construct a 10 x 19-foot deck on to the existing home within the building setback of 63 feet from the road centerline or a 30 feet setback from the road right-of-way.
The Planning and Zoning Board had made a recommendation to the town board to grant the variance. The proposed deck can be located no closer than 50 feet from the centerline of the existing Eastway Road. A motion to grant the variance was made by Willenbring, second by Gertken. Carried 3-0.
Doug and Jan Erickson, 20987 Edgewater Road, PID # 23.13974.0000, were requesting a variance for 26 feet from the road right-of-way instead of the required 30 feet and/or 20 feet from center of the existing road instead of the required 63 feet. They would like to add a 24 x 24 attached garage to the existing home.
The Planning and Zoning Board made a recommendation to the town board to grant the variance. A motion to grant the variance was made by Gertken, second by Willenbring. Carried 3-0.

General Township Issues
Two quotes were received for the tarring repair on 193rd Ave:
Bertram Asphalt Co., Paynesville -$7,290.00
Minnesota Blacktopping, Sauk Rapids - $2,550.00
A motion by Willenbring, second by Gertken approved the repair work to be granted to Minnesota Blacktopping. Carried 3-0. Holthaus will ask for estimates on several other patching jobs. If the cost is around the same price the board would like that work done as well.
Steve Soyka introduced himself to the board. He is running for Stearns County Sheriff in the next election.
There has been a problem with people putting their garbage in the dumpster at the town hall. In an effort to stop this behavior, Gertken will mount two cameras to watch activity around the dumpster. Should the cameras be stolen the township will pay for the replacement.
Boni asked if the board would raise the credit limit on the township credit card. The current limit is $1000.00, and it is not adequate when Matt needs to pick up chemicals for the road ditches. A motion from Willenbring, second by Gertken raised the limit to $2500.00. Carried 3-0.
Orville Willenbring brought a list of culverts that Farming Township has. Farming Twp would like to sell their remaining inventory. Munson Twp would like to buy them. Holthaus will call Jason Willenbring to work out the details.
Holthaus brought a check from Harvey Gertken to pay for the 3 culvert bands that he had picked up.

 Reviewed Mail

 A motion to pay bills was made by Gertken, seconded by Willenbring. Carried 3-0. Bills were paid in the amount of $ 56,847.37 using check numbers 6281-6305.
At 8:55 PM, a motion to adjourn was made by Willenbring, seconded by Gertken. Carried 3-0.
Minutes submitted by:    Boni Behnen, Clerk

​Munson Township Board of Supervisors
Meeting Minutes
May 21, 2018

The regular monthly meeting of the Munson Township Board of Supervisors was called to order at 8:00 PM on May 21, 2018by Chairman, Dan Holthaus.

Joe Willenbring, Butch Gertken, Clerk, Boni Behnen, Treasurer, Dick Behnen, P&Z members, Mike Behnen and Orville Willenbring, and P &Z Ad., Lynn Burg.

John Tschumperlin

A motion to approve the town board minutes from April 16, 2018, including Road Inspections, Board of Appeal and Equalization April 2, 2018 and the Board of Canvass March 13, 2018 was made by Willenbring, seconded by Gertken. Carried 3-0.

 Treasurer’s Report
Income $390.00 Expenses $17,005.41 Balance $454,820.53 A motion to accept the Treasurer’s report was made by Gertken, seconded by Willenbring. Carried 3-0.

General Township Issues
A motion to sign the 2018 Fire Contract with the Paynesville Fire Dept. was made by Gertken, second by Willenbring. Carried 3-0.
Holthaus had received a price quote from Krippner Trucking & Excavating, Kimball, MN, to take care of the necessary road work on 193rd Ave. The cost will be shared with Wakefield Township. The total cost would be $2,400.00 but would not include tarring. The supervisors would like to wait and see if the repairs will be adequate before tarring. A motion to approve the repairs to 193rd Ave was made by Gertken, second by Willenbring. Carried 3-0.
Adam Goebel was present to answer questions for Pilgrim’s Pride regarding the proposed changes in gross weight limits to cut the trips to the chicken barns by approximately 20%. Goebel stated that if the board would like to make changes in the routes they would be open to that. If the board wants independent inspection of the routes, Pilgrim’s would cover the cost. Holthaus thought that they should try it for a year and see what happens. The permit needs to be renewed yearly. The permit will not be in effect during spring road restrictions. A motion was made by Willenbring, second by Gertken to sign the contract with Pilgrim’s Pride. Carried 3-0. The contract was signed by Holthaus. Boni will email a copy to Farming Township for their review and signing at their next meeting. Goebel said that the board should contact him with problems and abnormal wear on the road route.
The board would like copies of the Stearns County Sheriff’s weekly newsletter at each monthly meeting. Boni will provide Gertken’s email address to the Sheriff’s office.
Lynn provided paperwork for a public hearing that will take place on June 18th at 7:30 PM for a variance.
The township is out of 15” culverts. Gertken suggested that we contact Farming Township to see if they would like to order culverts together to get a better price. Boni will contact their clerk.
Lynn will review the driveway permits and use her judgement in the processing of permits.
The culvert by Butch’s driveway is collapsing and needs to be replaced. Butch will talk with Rich Torborg and Dan will talk to Larry Lahr to see if they will agree to replace a different culvert near there, to the way it was.

Reviewed Mail

 A motion to pay bills was made by Gertken, seconded by Willenbring. Carried 3-0. Bills were paid in the amount of $ 22,495.56 using check numbers 6271-6280.
At 8:40 PM, a motion to adjourn was made by Willenbring, seconded by Gertken. Carried 3-0.
Minutes submitted by:    Boni Behnen, Clerk

Munson Township Board of Supervisors
Meeting Minutes
April 16, 2018

The regular monthly meeting of the Munson Township Board of Supervisors was called to order at 8:00 PM on April 16, 2018by Chairman, Dan Holthaus.

Joe Willenbring, Butch Gertken, Clerk, Boni Behnen, Treasurer, Dick Behnen, P&Z Chair, John Tschumperlin, P&Z member, Mike Behnen, and P &Z Ad., Lynn Burg.


A motion to approve the town board minutes from March 19, 2018, the Board of Audit from February 20, 2018 and the Reorganizational Meeting from March 27, 2018 was made by Willenbring, seconded by Gertken. Carried 3-0.

 Treasurer’s Report
Income $ 34,534.04 Expenses $ 42,295.40 Balance $ 471,435.94 A motion to accept the Treasurer’s report was made by Gertken, seconded by Willenbring. Carried 3-0.

General Township Issues
Dustcoating Quotes:
A motion to open quotes was made by Willenbring, second by Gertken. Carried 3-0.
J&J Dust Control:
Calcium Chloride 38.3%, 18 ft wide applied @ .27 gal sq/yd $.55/ft
Central MN Dust Control:
Calcium Chloride 38.5%, 18 ft wide $.53/ft
A motion to grant the dust control contract to Central MN Dust Control was made by Gertken, second by Willenbring. Carried 3-0.
Pat Johnson presented a renewal for a 2018 3.2 Liquor license for Twilight Acres. A motion from Willenbring, second by Gertken, to approve the renewal. Carried 3-0.
Jay Femrite presented the mylars to be signed by Holthaus for the final plat of Purnrite Estates. Mylars had been signed by the P&Z Chair at their April 5th meeting. A motion to approve the plat and sign the mylars was made by Gertken, seconded by Willenbring. Carried 3-0.
Pilgrims sent a letter to the township asking to change their trucking. The board was okay with it. Boni will send it on to Farming Township for their approval.
Wakefield Township had received complaints about the dip in the road on 193rd Ave. Wakefield and Munson Township share the cost of maintenance and repair of 193rd Ave. Todd Menke, Wakefield Township, will get a cost estimate for the needed repairs.

Reviewed Mail

A motion to pay bills was made by Willenbring, seconded by Gertken. Carried 3-0. Bills were paid in the amount of $ 17,005.41 using check numbers 6259-6270.

 At 8:30 PM, a motion to extend the meeting to May 1, 2018 at 3:30 PM for the annual road inspections, was made by Willenbring, seconded by Gertken. Carried 3-0.
Minutes submitted by:    Boni Behnen, Clerk

Munson Township Board of Supervisors
Meeting Minutes
March 19, 2018


The regular monthly meeting of the Munson Township Board of Supervisors was called to order at 8:00 PM on March 19, 2018by Chairman, Dan Holthaus.

Joe Willenbring, Butch Gertken, Clerk, Boni Behnen, Treasurer, Dick Behnen, P&Z Chair, John Tschumperlin, P&Z member, Mike Behnen, and P &Z Ad., Lynn Burg.


A motion to approve the minutes from February 20, 2018 was made by Willenbring, seconded by Gertken. Carried 3-0.

 Treasurer’s Report
Income $ 965.36 Expenses $ 15,779.95 Balance $ 479,197.30 A motion to accept the Treasurer’s report was made by Gertken, seconded by Willenbring. Carried 3-0.

General Township Issues
There was a discussion concerning the tables at the town hall. One table seems to be missing. It was decided that the tables were sufficient for now.
Greg Bartes had requested information regarding procedures and engineer requirements for the West Ashton Road Improvement Project. He felt that he was not being treated equally by the board, with the road requirements when developing Pheasant Ridge. The original road specs for West Ashton were started 10-15 years ago. The board decided that even though we are not required by law to provide the information, they would. It would be very costly for the township to acquire engineer and legal documents and pay for research fees, therefore it was decided by a motion from Willenbring, second by Gertken, to ask Bartes to provide $25,000.00 in escrow to pay for the work. Any unused monies would be returned to Bartes. Carried 3-0.
Ralph and Matt Gertken presented quotes from Ralph’s Excavating for the 2018 blading of roads and Class 5 gravel, hauling and spreading.

Blading Roads: $98.00/Hour

Class 5 Gravel: $8.50/Yard

A motion to approve the quote was made by Willenbring, second by Gertken. Carried 3-0.

Holthaus stated that the culvert by Twilight Acres needed to be fixed. Ralph will take care of it.
Mike and Dick Behnen will move all the chairs etc to the backroom so that Hennen’s can install the new flooring the week of March 26-30.

 Reviewed Mail

A motion to pay bills was made by Willenbring, seconded by Gertken. Carried 3-0. Bills were paid in the amount of $ 42,295.40 using check numbers 6223-6258. 6254-6255 were voided due to printer malfunction.

 At 8:45 PM, a motion to adjourn was made by Willenbring, seconded by Gertken. Carried 3-0.
Minutes submitted by:    Boni Behnen, Clerk

Munson Township Board of Supervisors
Meeting Minutes
February 20, 2018

The regular monthly meeting of the Munson Township Board of Supervisors was called to order at 8:00 PM on February 20, 2018by Chairman, Dan Holthaus.

Joe Willenbring, Butch Gertken, Clerk, Boni Behnen, Treasurer, Dick Behnen, P&Z Chair, John Tschumperlin and P &Z Ad., Lynn Burg.

Others Present
Nathan Glenz and Tom Kachel


A motion to approve the minutes from January 16, 2018 was made by Willenbring, seconded by Gertken. Carried 3-0.

 Treasurer’s Report
Income $ 7,558.97 Expenses $ 16,256.46 Balance $ 494,011.89 A motion to accept the Treasurer’s report was made by Gertken, seconded by Willenbring. Carried 3-0.

General Township Issues
Tom Kachel read a letter detailing his concerns about the condition of Edgewater Road. The road is washing out and is in need of repair. In the 1990’s the permanent residents living on Edgewater had initiated an effort to get the road tarred. Kachel had questions about why the project never was finished. Holthaus informed him that at the end the road it was not wide enough to pursue paving. It did not meet township specifications. Options were discussed as to how to proceed at this point. The township will cover the cost of the washout, but if the residents want it paved, they will need to help pay for the cost. Boni will get contact info to Tom and Nathan for Knife River.
Boni had contacted Bob Ruppe about possibly changing the clerk’s position to an appointed position, not elected. It would just be a matter of the board adopting a resolution and placing a question on the township election ballot in 2019 for the residents to vote on. The issue will be taken up at a later board meeting.   
Boni said that the laser printer for the township was not working properly. It was decided to just buy a new one as opposed to repairing the old one.
Boni said that she was also having issues with the township Visa. The due date was not conducive to the monthly meeting dates. She will check out other options.
Resolution 2018-1, Resolution Declining To Regulate Cable Television System with Midcontinent Communications was signed declining to regulate the cable company.

Reviewed Mail
A motion to pay bills was made by Gertken, seconded by Willenbring. Carried 3-0. Bills were paid in the amount of $ 15,779.95 using check numbers 6210-6222. 6215-6218 were voided due to printer malfunction.
At 8:50 PM, a motion to adjourn was made by Willenbring, seconded by Gertken. Carried 3-0.Minutes
​ submitted by:    Boni Behnen, Clerk

Munson Township Board of Supervisors
Meeting Minutes
January 16, 2018

The regular monthly meeting of the Munson Township Board of Supervisors was called to order at 8:00 PM on January 16, 2018by Chairman, Dan Holthaus.

Joe Willenbring, Butch Gertken, Clerk, Boni Behnen, Treasurer Dick Behnen, P&Z member, Mike Behnen and P &Z Ad., Lynn Burg.

Others Present

Fred Lemke

A motion to approve the minutes from December 18, 2017 was made by Willenbring, seconded by Gertken. Carried 3-0.

Treasurer’s Report
Income $ 157,706.44 Expenses $ 45,172.38 Balance $ 492,709.38 A motion to accept the Treasurer’s report was made by Gertken, seconded by Willenbring. Carried 3-0.

General Township Issues
A Motion to appoint the following election judges to work on March 13, 2018 for the township election was made by Willenbring, second by Gertken. Carried 3-0. Karen Buermann, Matt Burg, Carin Schroeder, Rita Schroeder, Kris Ruegemer, Bob Heying, Joe Willenbring, and Butch Gertken.
Mike Behnen and Orville Willenbring are up for re-appointment to the Planning and Zoning Board in 2018, as is John Tschumperlin, for Chair and Matt Burg, Vice Chair. A motion by Willenbring to approve the above-named appointments was made by, Willenbring seconded by Gertken. Carried 3-0.
Holthaus would like to find out what would need to be done to change the clerk’s position from an elected official to a position appointed by the board. There is some concern about someone being elected clerk and not knowing how to use a computer or perform all the duties of the job. Boni will get the info for the next meeting.
Holthaus asked the other supervisors if Ralph should be sent out to plow and/or sand the roads when we have a minimal amount of snow.  The board agreed that he should be sent out to make sure that the intersections are not slippery.
Next month there will be a group of residents from Edgewater Road that would like to talk with the board about needed improvements to the gravel portion of that road.
Vinyl chair tips will be ordered and put on the chairs before the new flooring is installed at the end of March. Lynn will take care of putting on the new tips and maintaining them to cut down on scratches in the new flooring.  

Reviewed Mail
A motion to pay bills was made by Willenbring, seconded by Gertken. Carried 3-0. Bills were paid in the amount of $ 6,237.46 using check numbers 6200-6209.
At 8:45 PM, a motion to adjourn was made by Willenbring, seconded by Gertken. Carried 3-0.

Minutes submitted by:    Boni Behnen, Clerk

2018 Munson Township Board minutes

Minutes from township board meetings are placed on the website once they have been approved, Ex: Minutes from the June board meeting would be placed on the website following their approval at the July meeting.